

Room size is 1200 Sq.ft with 3,500 Books (References and Magazines along with Maps, Charts etc. Audio visual facility and computer with internet.


A unique assessment tool SAS (Smart Assessment System) is provided in class rooms to make instant formative assessment in every session. Students answer the test with a powerful hand held remote device.

Smart Class Program

Smart Class rooms are equipped with computers, large panel Interactive electronic white boards with ceiling mounted DLP projection systems.

Class rooms turn into lively learning platforms of students. Digital resources such as graphics, animations, 3 D images and video clips are used in the day to day teaching.

This results in a completely new multi sensory learning experience for students and helps them to improve their performance.

Computer Education & Training

Computer Education and Training is imparted to make your child a computer literate.

The instruction will be delivered through highly illustrative and interactive set of books, multimedia software, projects, assignments and most modern methodologies.