Debates in English, Telugu and Hindi are conducted to promote the skill of public speaking.
Quiz to promote General Knowledge.
Every week two music classes are given to every student to train them and teach them to appreciate Music.
All the National Festivals we celebrated in all its splendor to infuse patriotic spirit among the students.
Camaraderie, Team Spirit, Sportive Spirit inculcated through various sports and games conducted in the school. Accepting defeat with grace, try till you win are the ideals imbibed in the students through these.
The school tries to give maximum stage opportunity to the students by taking up various cultural activities. It aims to give it’s enrich the students life with memorable acts they perform on the stage. Later in their life when the reflect on their schooling days, they are going to have fulfilled memories.
School provides the students a break from the routine by taking them to leisure trips and picnics.
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