
for more details


Debates in English, Telugu and Hindi are conducted to promote the skill of public speaking.


The school prepares students for the class X (S.S.C.) examination of Andhra Pradesh. …


Smart Class rooms are equipped with computers, large panel Interactive electronic …


The School office is open on all week days 8:30AM to 5:00PM.
Any Queries kindly contact:
08644 226772
Principal: 9550675000.

Welcome to St.John's EMS

The school was established in the year 1972 and is situated in Mission Compound, Nazarpet, Tenali. It is in the heart of the town surrounded by vast area and has good facilities for games and co-curricular activities. The School building stands as a memorable monument for missionary zeal and service for the cause of education.

St Johns School

News & Events

  1. School holidays will start from April 25th 2024.
  2. School will reopen again on 25th June 2024.
  3. All the students should buy the books on  or before 20th may, 2024.

Our Motto

“Train up a child in the way he should go:
And when he is old,he will not depart from it.”


Our Vision

Sound knowledge to think well and live well
Versatility in performance
Prudence in innovation and invention
Courage to lead
Heart to care
And a mind to be generous.

Our Mission

Help students find their own identity
Cultivate Qualities to live with dignity
Motivate to achieve and build self esteem
Embolden to rise after every fall and
not to be afraid to swim upstream.

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